How to access the Windows VPS via Open Console

How to access the Windows VPS via Open Console

First, log in to your Client Area at

Then follow this link to select the service:

Click on the VPS you would like to manage.

Now you will be able to access your Windows VPS via Browsers by clicking on Open Console



Once you open a connection, you will see a real-time view of the remote display. You can interact with this display just as you would with your normal desktop:


1/ Connecting from Windows

On a desktop/PC which has a hardware keyboard, you can show the menu by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift. It will show the menu on the left side of the screen. Then you can choose On-screen keyboard:



-> Press Ctrl + Atl + Del to logon in your VPS and you can use the VPS normally: 



To hide the menu, please press Ctrl+Alt+Shift again and choose None.

2/ Connecting from Mac OS X:

On a Mac OS X, you can logon in your VPS by pressing Control + Option + Delete: 



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