My Windows VPS is slow, what should I do?

When you access your Windows VPS via Remote Desktop and the remote speed is slow - you can follow the steps listed below to troubleshoot, most of the time you can solve it before contacting our Support team.

  1. Check the RAM/CPU usage via Task Manager (Right click on the Taskbar -> Task Manager):

Navigate to the Performance tab, you can see the RAM/CPU usage there. Always keep them < 90%, if the usage is 90-100%, the VPS might be slow to respond, and cause the remote session unresponsive.

You can navigate back to the Processes tab to see which apps are consuming RAM/CPU - you can close the apps or reduce the workload. If you are unsure about that, you can just reboot/restart the VPS to bring it to the normal state. How to reboot the VPS from the Client Area:   How to access the Windows VPS Control Panel 

You might consider to upgrade to higher plans or add more CPU/RAM if you still would like to keep your workload.

2. If RAM/CPU usage is normal, but the remote speed is still slow, it might be caused by your home network. Make sure that you do not have any issues with the network. It's recommended to have the VPS located at the location nearest to you, or have low ping to our test IPs listed on:

For example, if you are from Indonesia or India, then Singapore is your best bet.

How to ping to our test IP using your PC/Mac?

I. On a Windows PC, search for Command Prompt and type "ping test-IP-here", for example:

You should take a look at the value time=?ms - the lower this value is, the better the remote speed you will have.

II. On a MAC, search for Terminal and use the same command as Windows.


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