How to use HTTP proxies on your Browsers

I. For Internet Explorer/Mirosoft Edge:
A. Internet Explorer:
  1. On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, click Internet Options, click the Connections tab, and then click LAN Settings.
  2. Under Proxy server, click to select the Use a proxy server for your LAN check box.
  3. In the Address box, type the IP address of the proxy server.
  4. In the Port box, type the port number that is used by the proxy server for client connections (by default, 8080).
  5. You can click to select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box if you do not want the proxy server computer to be used when you connect to a computer on the local network (this may speed up performance).
  6. Click OK to close the LAN Settings dialog box.
  7. Click OK again to close the Internet Options dialog box.
The user and the pass will be asked when you enter the first time on the page.
B. Microsoft Edge:
You can click on "..." then Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Proxy Setup:

II. Google Chrome:

Visit: chrome://settings/ -> Show advanced settings... -> At the Network section choose Change proxies settings.

III. Firefox:

  1. Select the Tools Menu
  2. Select Options
  3. Select the Advanced Icon
  4. Select the Network tab
  5. Under connection select Settings
  6. Under Settings you can chose "Auto-Detect Proxy setting for this network" or "Manual Proxy Configuration"
  7. If choosing "Manual Proxy Configuration" Enter the IP address for the HTTP proxy server
  8. Enter the port of the HTTP proxy server
  9. Click Okay
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